Saturday, December 02, 2006


skating under the lights of the city on cool ice

laying on my back in the middle of the rink and despite the light from chicago
seeing stars straight above

tilting my head back so that i can see the skyline upside down behind me

smoke billowing out of a nearby building
wisping into the black night, disappearing into nothingness

the crunch of snow


this morning
sitting in my room as i look out over the white covered land
reflecting on my failings

and despite that which distracts
or tries to stifle
and kill

to always see His marvelous grace
covering me as the snow covers the ground

...but not so temporary


Anonymous said...

I love you Mary Nakamura! :)

Anonymous said...

what she said. :)
i'm sorry we missed each other at thanksgiving. i think i have strep throat right now. either that or my tonsils decided they don't want to be in my body anymore. :(
two of my friends went to chicago for dinner last night, and when i heard about it at work today i was jealous. small,small possibility that i may come for two days in jan for extra work..
miss you! love you!