sometimes it seems as though things are being put together
"t's" are being crossed
and an abstract idea suddenly becomes tangible
and that thing that we have been longing for
is suddenly right in front of us
and that is when the fear begins to rise
my knees begin to shake
because it was so much easier to talk about this
dream about this
pray about this
and when it seems as though something could become reality
i want to shrink back
don't want to get hurt
don't want it to fail
don't want myself to fail
and yet when we look to the ONE whose plan and purpose is unfathomable
i begin to decrease
my issues, reservations,
and on the other side my dreams and ambitions
to let all of those go
and to tie on my still stiff sandals
and break them in by following Him
Tell me more..
Love you!
I wish I could call tonight, but I will be working and can't call long-distance from there..days are better. This is one of those 'wish I had a cell phone' things.
I hope to see you over Thanksgiving, but we'll be in Muskegon during that time, so maybe we could meet halfway or something. I know the girls miss you and would love to see you! That week I think I have Friday during the day, and Sat morning or Sunday afternoon free.
I just ate paneer in cashew sauce with basmati rice. mmm..
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