Friday, October 14, 2005

soccer on the beach

the other night after our session, some friends and i went down to the beach to just hang out
soccer ball
wet sand
bare feet on cold, wet sand
playing tag
trying to block the ball
blocking the ball
in the process of blocking the ball, causing someone's toe to collide with my shin
a broken toe
a bruised shin
still playing soccer
falling in the sand
covered in sand
walking back barefoot on cement earth
good conversations

so sore the next day...
all week we went to different sessions, heard speakers
hung out
it was a much needed break from the daily schedule
we also do not have classes on mon or tues, so i am looking forward to the extended time off of classes. is a little bit hard to get motivated after such a long break-which is why i find myself blogging instead of writing my reading reports (which i am currently four behind...)

i was reading in psalms a few days ago, and in light of the turmoil and chaos that has seemed to overwhelm the world, the words of the psalmist ring true:

psalm 9:18-20

"For the needy shall not always be forgotten, and the hope of the poor shall not perish forever.

Arise, O Lord! Let not man prevail; let the nations be judged before you! Put them in fear, O Lord! Let the nations know that they are but mere men!"

So often we put a false hope in man. We forget our frailty and our dependence on Him-the creator God who is sovereign, and actively working in each of our lives- to the praise of his glory. May we know that He is God, and we are not, and may that leave us in awe at His feet.

1 comment:

Kate Rudd said...

I was thinking about you today. I hope you had a great week of sessions. Love you! :)