Friday, October 28, 2005

painting faces/frozen fingers

tonight i went down to help at a halloween party with sunshine gospel ministries. it was a lot of fun, i painted faces non-stop for at least two hours, drank lots and lots of hot chocolate with marshmallows, and my fingers about froze off...those kids bring such joy to my heart...and sometimes frustration.

it's funny when you are painting someone's face. if they smile while you are painting, the picture will be all you tell them not to smile, which makes them smile even more...and it seems absolutely horrible to tell a child (or anyone for that matter) not to smile, especially when the purpose of what you are doing is to bring a smile to their face.

on my way back a friend called to see if i wanted to go see a movie...i totally would have gone-but $8 is a lot to spend on one movie...i think next time we should rent a movie instead and split the cost...that would be like a quarter each

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