Friday, June 23, 2006

what does it mean to surrender?
to serve
to give up my rights
my hopes
my dreams
my expectations
to follow
a reckless abandon
and to realize that those hopes,
where not the point
but were meant to draw me closer to my Creator
to be used by me in an act of worship

i have approached this the wrong way so much
i have desired my self over God's glory
but i want Him to be my motivation

and as i surrender to His leading
fulfilled even in the midst of trial, pain, and joy
to know that i am realizing my purpose
as i fall more and more into a love and knowledge of my Savior

i have been in chicago the past two weeks, the first week preparing to co-lead an internship program, the second week actually doing it
and i have been humbled
i have been challenged
and i feel like i am learning so much

God is healing me in ways i didn't know needed healing
He is teaching me things i didn't think i needed to know (or never thought about)
He is so good

working at kids' club in cabrini
markers, poster board...the Jesus family reunion for sidewalk sunday school
marker stains on my hands
opening the gates of our house in Englewood
30 kids showing up, playing ball, swinging, braiding my hair
watching movies on two mattresses that have become our couch
sleeping on the floor
construction work/demolition work at the new Sunshine building on 61st Street
early mornings
late nights
getting lost in milwaukee
and again
and again
and passing our exit for the 3rd time
mario bros super nintendo
sore muscles
registrations for sport's camps
time in the word (the gospel of John is AMAZING)
falling more in love with my Savior


Kate Rudd said...

I'm happy to see your post - you must be running 24/7 right now! Love you - miss you - so glad to see you continuing to grow.
(slim, slim possibility that I will be at the Greekfest the weekend of the 7th...maybe.)

bethany said...

mary, can't wait to hear all about your summer. and to tell you about has been anything but what i expected, but good all the same. i return to chicago tomorrow...will be there until july 8 or so. you're loved & missed. bethany.

Kate Rudd said...

love you! hope you're well! :)