Sunday, January 29, 2006

it's only going to get busier...and that makes me happy weekend was super busy and super fun

friday afternoon i went to an unexplored (for me) part of the city and browsed in a used bookstore...could've bought a lot...didn't buy anything...

later, i went out to wheaton with some people to visit my friend bethanie in her new amazing apartment
artists had lived in it previously so the walls are vibrant yellow-blue swirly ceiling-swirly flowers in the hallway-tree scene in the hallway-relaxing

on saturday i attended my first gospel choir practice(i just joined this semester) and it was so much fun and i am so excited to be a part of that ministry.

saturday afternoon i worked on homework, went for a walk in the rain with a friend, and then went to a script reading for the bahamas film trip-and my schedule became even more packed...but that's ok-i am enjoying it

saturday i went to church at holy trinity in the a.m. and then to city church in the afternoon. lecrae and another christian rap artist were there doing special music-some of those lyrics almost moved me to tears they are so powerful

after that, i went up to devon street with some more friends to hang out at another friends apartment (you following the connections?...) and ate chicken byrani, fried sugar stuff that i don't remember what it is called, and naan...we tried to play cranium but like usual everyone got distracted and no one won...

my schedule is packed with babysitting, teaching drawing/art on occasion, working on a video for class, starting to get more involved with the bahamas video...there are a few days that we shoot in chicago, pcm, homework, homework, reading, and some more reading...
i quit my job at the baby furniture store so that frees up some time...but mostly just saturdays...kind of.

well...i have an 8:00 in the morning...which means a 6:30 rise time...which means i need to go to bed right now.


Kate Rudd said...

mar mar,
i probably have a meeting in chicago this coming i have a floor to crash on" :)

Kate Rudd said...

i should be getting contacted late tonight about what day/time/location the meeting will be...i'm guessing saturday, i'm hoping LaSalle..but will let you know for sure..I'm also not sure if I'll need to get picked up from the train station, etc...i don't want to get lost! :)
i'll call or comment again when i know more

Kate Rudd said...

it's thursday night and i still don't have to pasrticulars about this weekend, but there's a good chance i'll find out at the last minute and take the amtrak tomorrow(friday..) ...i'll call you as soon as i know anything - is it possible to fill out a request for friday/sat night..? only if you won't have any trouble if i'm unable to make it..i've spoken with the producer earlier today, but no details decided yet.
the sound of stress seeping through my pores! :)