Friday, January 14, 2005

My first week, a sprained ankle, and tons of reading

Well, i have successfully survived my first week in Chicago...the sense of direction is already starting to improve. I am loving my classes, and am so excited that I get to study the amazing...i am still amazed that i am here... God is so incredibly good.
Moody is going to be a lot more work than I anticipated...i estimate that I will probably read btwn 100 and 200 pages a day on top additional assignments, tests, and quizzes...i am taking 16 hours, but they are all classes that I am thus far excited about going to. Please pray that as I am reading the Bible for my classes and reading other books, that I would never view the Bible as a textbook, and that I would keep Jesus my first love-that my studies would not get in the way with my relationship with God.

I went to my PCM for the first time on Thursday (practical christian ministry). It is down on the south side of Chicago and is a branch off of Sunshine Gospel ministries. I had no idea whatsoever of what to expect, but it went very well. I am working with inner city kids, 7-13 year olds, helping out in an afterschool program. We play games with the kids (aka run off thier energy) and then we tutor them, help them with thier school work(some of them are smarter than me...10 year olds aren't supposed to be on exponents are they???) and then there is a brief Bible teaching time (not too long-short attention spans), and then we eat food, and they go home. It is so cool, and it will probably be the most challenging thing I have ever done, but through my inadequecies, though I am unqualified, God's glory can be more clearly revealed, and then maybe I can get out of the way so he can work...God doesn't call the qualified, he qualifies the called.
There are only 2 or 3 other moody students helping out with this ministry, and they are in need of some more volunteers-so that is a prayer request with that, and just for me, that i will have wisdom, discernment, and an amazing heart for these kids.
So, i sprained my ankle at my pcm...i was playing frisbee with some kids and stepped in a hole in the floor as i leaped to catch the didn't hurt until a few hours later, and now I am wearing a brace and icing dumb...
anyways...i hope all is well with all of you. have a wonderful weekend.


Melissa Jo said...

Hey Mary!

Sounds like awesome fun! Thanks for the update. I think about you and wonder what you're doing. Thanks for the peak into your college life ;)

jo <><

Kate Rudd said...

I figured out a great way to feel connected when I'm missing my little sis - I talk to you on the phone *and* comment on your blog at the *same* time! Here's a streaming feed of the convesation:
Alias...blahblahblah.......the girl was really sick.......Paisley was outside all day........Katie & Emily aren't really on speaking, yeah! things are going really good......blahblahonmissionblh...good....but...Brad's going! Yes!...don't quote me on you remember,cool.......invest..teach.....yeah...connect with Dad & then Bryan & Tonja....plane..
kay. I'm done.;) Llove ya, llama!